
What Are The Drug and Alcohol Trends In Boston?

Massachusetts ranks in the top ten states for drug-related deaths in 2019, according to the CDC. In 2017, heroin ranked as the top illicit substance in Boston and throughout Massachusetts. This opioid has been responsible for thousands of deaths in Boston and throughout Massachusetts in recent years, and 57% of all recovery admissions in Boston are heroin-related, per the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

These sobering statistics make it more apparent than ever that quality addiction treatment centers are desperately needed. East Point Recovery Center offers personalized drug and alcohol treatment programs as well as dual diagnosis treatment for those with substance use disorders. Don’t let yourself or a loved one become a statistic, reach out to our admissions team today. Meanwhile, learn more about drug and alcohol trends in Boston.

Boston Drug and Alcohol Use Disorder Statistics

In 2017, approximately 5% of drug rehab center admissions were related to cocaine addiction. An additional 3% involved addiction for marijuana and non-heroin opioids accounted for another 2.4%. According to the city of Boston, 11.3% of Bostonians suffer from some form of addiction at the time of the report.

These statistics show a need for quality therapy and medical supervision to care for those going through the early stages of recovery. There are often mental and emotional triggers that lead to drug addiction or make it difficult to recover from substance use disorders. The same holds true of alcohol abuse in Boston.

Addiction Treatment at East Point Recovery Center

East Point Recovery Center uses several approaches when it comes to alcohol and drug use addiction treatment. Our partial hospitalization program is not as intense as a residential program but gives participants a structured program that they attend every day or several days a week. It also allows participants to keep up with work, school or family obligations outside the treatment program.

We also offer intensive outpatient treatment which is a step down from partial hospitalization but also allows clients to continue working on their recovery. In our family support group, family members can attend meetings twice a month to learn more about supporting their loved ones.

More Statistics

Approximately 42% of Boston’s high school students  have tried marijuana according to the Boston Public Health Commission. The state of Massachusetts revealed that opioid-related deaths rose 450% over a 16-year period. More globally, a 2018 report estimates that 88% of drug deaths involve opioids, per the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The NIDA also reports 40% of unintentional overdoses in Boston involved heroin.

For you or loved ones suffering from alcohol and drug abuse and, possibly, co-occurring mental health issues, East Point Recovery Center offers solutions, treatment plans and support. this is a positive step, but only you can make the decision to choose life over addiction.

Contact us today for more information on our services and to find out how you can begin your journey towards sobriety and drug-free living today.