The 12 Step Program: Step 2


Each step of the 12-Step Recovery Program is made to move your recovery journey forward. During Step 2, “we came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” What a powerful and impactful milestone, right? This step is about moving past the admittance of our addiction and finding a place of understanding, within ourselves, that we can, and will, be restored through this program. Recovery is possible and during Step 2 we learn to believe that.

What does Step 2 accomplish?

Step 2 restores hope within ourselves. It pushes us to a level of greater understanding. It allows us to reflect on the woes of addiction and the tribulations we faced as a result of our disease. During this step, there are vital questions we can ask ourselves to continue to move our recovery journey forward. This step is tied to the idea of restoring our sanity. Addiction, to some level, has altered our mindset, emotions, and functions. Step 2 allows us to come to grips with the imbalances, physically and mentally, and restore us to the best versions of ourselves.


What questions should we reflect on during Step 2?

  • What bad decisions did you make during your fight with addiction?
  • What does a higher power look like in your life?
  • How would you define sanity and peace in your own life?
  • What changes do you think are necessary to restore sanity for you?
  • What fears do you have that are in the way of your recovery path?

Reflecting on your journey and questioning your path, past and present, is essential to self-growth in recovery. Understanding the valleys will allow you to celebrate your recovery from the peaks.


What is the goal of Step 2? 

During Step 2 we are moving from admittance to actionable change. We are gaining an understanding of the loss of sanity we faced during our addiction lows and working to gain it back. The goal of Step 2 is to restore a level of sanity that was lost during your battle with drugs and/or alcohol. 


What does a “power greater than ourselves” refer to?

Oftentimes this can be directly interpreted as God or some type of spirituality. While this may be the case for some, it does not necessarily tie to any one religious affiliation. When you think of a power greater than yourself this can simply, but powerfully, mean a support group, such as AA, family, and friends, others in recovery, a therapist, a sponsor,etc.  It is essential to be open about your recovery journey, sharing it often with others who will actively support you as you seek to restore your sanity.


If you had to describe Step 2 in one word what would it be?

Hope. Step 2 is about the forward projection of hope in your life. It is coming to terms with the mistakes of the past and choosing to move past them with a restored vision, mindset and goals for the future. During Step 2 you allow others to help you restore sanity and peace in your life.

Do you or someone you know need help? East Point Recovery Center can help. Call our admissions line (855) 88-SOBER