Attain Sobriety at Our Rehab Center in Beverly Massachusetts

Whether you’ve been struggling with alcohol abuse for a few months, a few years or your entire life, it’s never too early, or too late, to think about getting sober. Alcohol addiction, a severe, life-threatening medical condition that’s also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be successfully treated with help from the team of professionals here at Baystate Recovery Center.

Why It’s Important to Seek Support to Get Sober

If you’re like most people who suffer from alcohol use disorder, you’ve likely thought that you could simply quit drinking whenever you wanted to.

Unfortunately, the illusion of control is all to common among people who are addicted to alcohol, as well as other substances like prescription medications and illicit drugs. This false belief only serves to prolong the negative consequences of your addiction.

In fact, the longer you wait to get sober, the harder it can be to maintain your sobriety. This is because AUD is actually a brain disorder. Prolonged alcohol abuse leads to lasting changes in your brain that increase your risk of relapse once you stop consuming alcohol.

Personalized Rehab Programs at Baystate Recovery Center

As a leading recovery center located in the Greater Boston area, Baystate Recovery Center offers a number of programs for adults who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, as well as those living with a combination of substance abuse and mental health issues.

Our programs include Day Treatment, a comprehensive treatment option that can be used instead of, or following, a 24-hour inpatient rehab program. In day treatment, you’ll participate in many of the same types of group and one-on-one sessions that you’d find in a residential rehab program, but you’ll either continue living in your own home, or you’ll stay in a sober living house.

We also offer Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP), which is geared towards those who want to get sober while living in their own home and keeping up with their work, school and family obligations. Our third treatment option is Outpatient Treatment (OP), a type of individualized rehab that’s designed for those who need support to achieve and maintain long-term sobriety.

Contact Our Addiction Specialists Today

When you’re ready to break the cycle of addiction, we’re here for you.

Our team of addiction specialists use science-based, individualized treatments that are safe and effective. We don’t just treat the presenting problem — we address the root causes of addiction. And because we know that addiction impacts the whole family, we offer a family support group that’s open to anyone who’s supporting one of our clients.

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive, personalized addiction treatment programs here at Baystate Recovery Center in Beverly, Massachusetts.