
Options for Managing Pain without Opioids

Much has been written about the addictive nature of opioid medications and the disastrous effect they can have on a person’s life if they’re taken beyond the recommended dose. This is doubly true for those who have a history of addiction or substance misuse, as taking opioids even temporarily can cause them to revert to old patterns of drug abuse. However, the challenge lays beyond refusing to take opioids for pain management — those struggling with chronic pain need an effective alternative in order to cope. Here, we’ve compiled some effective techniques that can help you deal with pain without resorting to potentially highly addictive medication.

Find the Right Alternative Treatment for You

Luckily, modern medicine can offer you a lot of options when it comes to managing chronic pain. You can try over-the-counter medications such as Advil and Tylenol, which can provide temporary relief and reduce inflammation. You can also talk to your doctor who can prescribe you non-addictive medication which treats some of the symptoms, such as migraines or nerve pain. Some patients can greatly benefit from injections, such as corticosteroids or nerve blocks which can relieve some types of nerve pain.

Work on Your Overall Health

You may be too preoccupied with the pain you’re experiencing to do much else — and that’s perfectly understandable. However, it’s important not to neglect your overall health as taking care of your body can provide you with some pain relief. For instance, regular exercise has been shown to improve multiple types of chronic pain. If you’re dealing with illness that renders you unable to work out, you can try out some form of physiotherapy. Finally, you may be able to benefit from weight loss.

Take Steps to Improve Your Emotion Management

Believe it or not, the body and mind are tightly connected. Research has shown that persistent negative feelings or depression can have a strong negative effect on your physical wellbeing. Fortunately, the opposite is also true and learning to manage your emotions better can genuinely decrease physical chronic pain. You can try various forms of psychotherapy which can help you come to terms with pain or change your thinking patterns. You can also journal in order to process your feelings more effectively. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, breath work, and hypnosis can also be useful tools in managing chronic pain.

Get in Touch with Us at East Point Recovery Center

Here at East Point Recovery Center, we offer a wide range of interventions to those struggling with addiction. We are firm believers in the importance of tailoring each treatment plan to the unique needs of each individual patient. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us — our helpful team members will be more than happy to discuss your needs and treatment options.