
How To Get Sober And Stay Sober

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol use, you may be looking for the best way to get sober and stay sober. Addiction is a serious disease and one that isn’t fully understood yet by scientists and mental health professionals. What many experts can agree on, however, is that addiction is a lifelong condition and that chieving sobriety requires consistent work and effort.

Fortunately, many treatment options are available for people, even those whose addiction may have compromised their health. And, if you are struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), you aren’t alone. Millions of Americans may be addicted to drugs and alcohol, but thousands of them successfully complete sobriety treatment every year.

Recognizing the Need to Get Sober

Lasting sobriety begins with acknowledging that your drug or alcohol use is out of your control and affecting your life. You may:

  • Have trouble fulfilling your work or school responsibilities
  • Damage your relationships with friends or family
  • Not be able to stop drinking once you start
  • Steal or engage in criminal or dishonest activity to be able to buy drugs
  • Have health problems as a result of drug or alcohol abuse

Once you honestly admit to yourself that you need to quit drinking or using, then the healing process can begin.

Finding the Right Level of Addiction Treatment

Once you know you need to get sober, the next step is to find help getting there. Very few people are able to quit alone without support. In fact, some substances, like benzodiazepines and alcohol, may be deadly to quit cold turkey. Check with your doctor and your insurance carrier to determine if you need medical detox to eliminate the physical dependence on alcohol or drugs and what your coverage is.

The next step is determining the right level of treatment for your addiction. You may need inpatient rehabilitation to get you sober and on the right path, or, after a medical detox, you may enter into therapy and group addiction counseling. Some people find the help they need through a Step program, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or SMART Recovery.

Forming a Support Network

The support of your family and sober friends can help you when times are challenging, or you’re tempted to use again. Early sobriety can be a scary time for many people who have used drugs or alcohol to cope with depression or anxiety, to deal with sadness or loss, or as a stress reliever. Facing your emotions and stressors without your drug of choice can be hard. Support from people who care about you and your sobriety can help you through those dark times.

Professional Support and Treatment

The final key to staying sober is professional help. An addiction counselor or therapist can help you understand why you used drugs or alcohol to self-medicate and may be able to diagnose an underlying mental health condition like anxiety or depression that caused you to use. Professional psychologists and counselors can also help you learn healthier coping skills when times are tough or when your emotions are overwhelming, helping you preserve your sobriety.

Do You Want to Get Sober? We Can Help

East Point Recovery Center offers treatment for people struggling with drug or alcohol use. We have several levels of treatment, from group therapy to Intensive Outpatient Therapy. Contact us today for a confidential evaluation of your treatment options.