Best Drug Rehab Center in Beverly MA

With three levels of treatment available, East Point Recovery Center aims to be one of the best drug rehab centers in Beverly, MA. There are many reasons our facility is the ideal place to continue your journey to recovery beyond detox. Some standout features help clients choose our rehab center over other possible choices, including the following.

Care Tailored to Your Needs

Studies indicate that only about 20% of Americans with a substance use disorder receive the care they need to achieve sobriety and clean living. To ensure that you make the most of your opportunity to join that statistic, we create an individual treatment plan that considers your drug of choice and any co-occurring mental health concerns you may have. Our dedicated staff works with you to choose holistic and talk therapy approaches that would best suit your needs.

Qualified Professionals Available 24/7

Our staff includes professionals from several disciplines. Qualified therapists meet with you regularly for one-on-one sessions using proven treatment methodologies, including cognitive behavioral therapy. These therapists also guide group therapy, where you can interact with clients at various stages of the recovery process.

Meanwhile, our medical team can provide immediate medical attention whenever needed. That includes medication-assisted addiction treatment that eases the discomfort of withdrawal, allowing you to focus on getting well. Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient treatment, our staff will help you navigate each stage of your recovery.

Medications That Enhance Recovery

When needed, we include medications to help you cope with the pain of withdrawal symptoms. Some of the medications we use include Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone. These drugs help curb your desire for opioids and other drugs. For alcohol addiction, you may receive medications such as Naltrexone and Acamprosate to curb your alcohol cravings.

Medications are an important part of our inpatient and outpatient programs. They reduce cravings and help you regain self-control as you focus on your health. The best drug rehab center in Beverly, MA, should include all the tools you need to deal with the physical discomfort of withdrawal while powering through your recovery program.

Mental Illness Treatment

There is often a symbiotic relationship between mental illness and addiction. As such, it’s important to address mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety during recovery. By providing the tools needed to cope with cravings and addressing psychiatric conditions, our staff gives you a solid foundation for your continued recovery efforts.

Dual diagnosis treatment encompasses a holistic approach to mental health and substance use disorders. Often, we provide the first mental health care our clients have ever received. As the best rehab center in Beverly, MA, we also recognize the importance of a robust aftercare program.

Aftercare Planning Is a Must

It’s important to choose a drug rehab center that takes your aftercare planning seriously. At East Point Recovery Center, we understand that the healing has to continue after you leave your intensive inpatient or outpatient program. Therefore, we strive to give you the tools you need with aftercare planning that includes:

  • Continued psychotherapy
  • Joining a 12-step program
  • Family counseling
  • Individual counseling
  • Appropriate medical care

Contact East Point Recovery Center today to find out how to get help at the best rehab center in Beverly, MA!