LGBTQ Appreciation on Behalf of East Point Recovery Center

At East Point Recovery Center, we’re committed to delivering culturally sensitive, client-centered addiction treatment services to the LGBTQ+ Community. We recognize that the LGBTQ+ community has a higher rate of substance abuse and addiction than the general population and may have underlying mental health concerns or other trauma unique to the LGBTQ+ individuals. Our programs are purposeful and provide a safe, compassionate space for those LGBTQ+ individuals with addiction issues to help understand the nature of addiction, work through underlying trauma, receive a mental health diagnosis, and take steps for lasting sobriety. Contact us today for your free, confidential assessment.

The LGBTQ+ Community, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse

The American Psychological Association estimates that LGBTQ+ individuals are more than twice as likely to develop a mental health disorder than other demographics. In addition. LGBTQ+ persons may also have higher rates of bipolar disorder, psychosis, or other mood disorder.

The APA postulates that the higher rates of these disorders is because of the discrimination and hardships the LGBTQ+ community cases due to sex or gender identification. Facing this oppression can lead to higher risks of mental illness. Mental health disorders correlate with a higher rate of substance use disorder and addiction across the board for all demographics. Both the mental health concern and the addiction must be considered for LGBTQ+ addiction treatment.

PTSD in the LGBTQ+ Community

PTSD rates in the LGBTQ+ demographic are higher than in the general population, likely because many individuals have faced increased risks of trauma and violence as youths and into adulthood. When addiction treatment centers treat LGBTQ+ clients, it’s essential that these counselors understand the potential of deep-seated trauma.

The Minority Stress Model may significantly affect LGBTQ+ addiction and mental illness rates. According to this model, minorities such as LGBTQ+ individuals face unique challenges in general society that increase stress and exacerbate mental health problems. In addition, many LGBTQ+ individuals may not seek treatment services because of a fear of stigmatization and then may self-medicate mental health symptoms with drugs or alcohol.

Treating Substance Abuse For LGBTQ+ Clients

Fortunately, there are LGBTQ+-friendly treatment centers that embrace and understand the unqie struggles of members in this community, like East Point Recovery Center. We can help LGBTQ+ clients through detox therapy, intensive outpatient treatment, and appropriate individual and group counseling. Our treatment embraces cultural humility, including ongoing learning about client identities and experiences, and we appreciate that everyone in the LGBTQ+ community is different and deserves respect and compassion.

Our treatment center understands how LGBTQ+ people are marginalized and may have higher rates of PTSD, and therefore, we concentrate on the impact of working through traumas during recovery. A crucial part of our approach is creating an environment where LGBTQ+ clients feel secure and safe. Our counselors focus on an affirming approach to addiction treatment.

Creating a safe space for our LGBTQ+ patients helps them feel more comfortable disclosing trauma and abuse, which are common for all addiction patients. Trauma is often at the root of addiction, and working through this with understanding can make addiction treatment more effective.

Are You Struggling With Addiction and Searching For an LGBTQ+-Friendly Treatment Center?

Do you identify as LGBTQ+ and are concerned about your drug or alcohol use? There is hope and help for you. At East Point Recovery Center, we focus on individualized treatment for substance abuse and create a welcoming atmosphere of understanding for our LGBTQ+ clients. Contact us today for a confidential assessment and treatment options.