Signs Of Excessive Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol use disorder is a serious matter. It can lead to major life issues, including alcohol poisoning and death. There are 22,000 deaths attributed to alcohol poisoning, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because of this possibility, it’s imperative that anyone who has an alcohol use disorder get the help they need to overcome it and live a life of sobriety.

This condition is often misunderstood because exactly how much alcohol it takes to reach the point where it’s a problem varies from one person to the next. One of the biggest issues that comes with consuming alcohol is that the speed at which a person drinks can lead to issues.

A person who has alcohol use disorder will need to seek help to get sober. This is the only way that they can prevent the possibility of death or other issues from alcohol poisoning.

How Do You Know When You Need Help For Alcohol Usage?

There are a few signs that you might recognize that signal you need to seek help. For some, family members or friends voice their concerns about the amount or frequency of alcohol use. Others might realize that their life revolves around their ability to consume alcohol.

If you find yourself trying to sneak drinks or start to spend money on alcohol that should have been used for rent or other necessary bills, seeking help is imperative. Another sign that you should seek assistance to get sober and remain that way is if you drink most or all days of the week.

You may also notice that you show signs of alcohol poisoning or overdose. These include:

  • Trouble staying awake or waking up
  • Confusion
  • Slow heart rate
  • Irregular breaths or slow breathing
  • Decreased natural responses, such as a lack of gag reflex
  • Difficulty communicating
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Low body temperature

What are the Risks of Excessive Alcohol Consumption?

Heavy drinking, binge drinking, and underage drinking are all considered excessive alcohol use situations. Binge drinking includes consuming at least 5 drinks for a man or 4 for a woman on a single occasion. If a man drinks at least 15 drinks per week or a woman drinks at least 8 drinks per week, they’re considered a heavy drinker.

While some people may think this is fun or cool, it comes with great health risks. According to the CDC, these include:

  • Cancer, including of the mouth, colon, rectum, breast, esophagus, larynx, throat, and liver
  • Liver disease, including cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, fibrosis, and hepatitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease

Where Can You Get Help With Alcoholism?

Working with a program that’s meant to help people who are dependent on alcohol can help you. The professionals at East Point Recovery Center can help! We work closely with you to determine the underlying reasons you rely heavily on alcohol to make it through the day and find ways for your to address those. We continue your journey with you until you’re ready to live a sober, independent life.