
Treatment Programs

Addiction is often a lifelong journey for many in recovery, which is why it’s extremely important to find a drug rehab center that offers safe, effective, and high-quality treatment. Treatments for addiction that are based on scientific evidence have been thoroughly tested and evaluated for safety and efficacy, and these treatments are proven to help patients experience long-term recovery from substance abuse. The key to achieving a positive outcome with recovery is to work with a drug rehab center that individualizes its science-based treatments and is willing to modify your treatment program as needed based on your unique needs as a patient.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, choose a recovery center that uses methods proven to produce positive outcomes. Doing so can help you achieve a lifestyle that is healthier, more fulfilling, and completely drug- and alcohol-free.

Here’s a look at the most effective addiction treatments associated with a positive recovery outcome.

30, 60, and 90-Day Residential Treatment Programs

Most recovery programs at drug rehab centers last 30 days; however, longer program lengths of 60, 90, and 120 days are available for those who need more time to recover from addiction and return to productive functioning in their families, workplaces, and communities. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) says most patients need at least 90 days in treatment to experience the best outcome in terms of drug use. 90 days allows patients the time needed to fully complete drug or alcohol detox, while also receiving behavioral therapies in group and individual settings that teach them how to effectively manage stress and go about their daily lives without turning to drugs and alcohol.

In many instances, patients start out in a 90-day inpatient residential rehab program, then transition to lower levels of care as they become more confident and motivated about their recovery and ability to stay sober. Those with more severe cases of addiction may spend 90 days or longer at drug rehab, then transition to an outpatient rehab program to receive therapy a few days a week while living at home or in a sober housing community.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Many who suffer from addiction also have other mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and schizophrenia. The NIDA reports that about 50% of people with substance use disorders also have a mental illness, and vice versa. A person diagnosed with both a substance use disorder and mental illness is known to have a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders.

Patients with a dual diagnosis need specialized therapy that addresses both disorders—otherwise, those who are treated for one disorder and not the other will face a higher risk of relapse. For instance, a person with alcohol use disorder and depression may start drinking again after leaving rehab if they are only treated for alcohol dependence and don’t know how to cope with or manage symptoms of depression.

On the other hand, a person who is only treated for depression and not alcohol use disorder will continue drinking, and may once again develop symptoms of depression due to the way alcohol affects brain function and chemical balance.

A study published in the Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience examined the effects of dual diagnosis treatment in 804 patients with co-occurring alcohol and mental health disorders. By the end of the one-year study period, co-occurring mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, and opioid or cocaine abuse decreased by between 66% and 95% at months one, six, and 12. Many drug and alcohol rehab centers offer dual diagnosis treatment in their recovery programs.

Recovery Housing and Sober Living Homes

Sober living homes and recovery housing provide patients with strong 24/7 support environments that are also drug- and alcohol-free. Residents who live at these facilities are able to successfully reduce their drug and alcohol use and return to productive functioning in their jobs, schools, and families.

The aforementioned report from SAMHSA and the U.S. Surgeon General says researchers have thoroughly evaluated the efficacy and outcomes of recovery housing on patients with substance use disorders. They learned that this environment produces an 87% abstinence rate among patients who live there for 2 years, which is between 4 and 5 times greater than outcomes following drug detox and rehab treatment. The report also mentions that those who live in recovery housing have significantly lower rates of substance abuse compared with those who receive typical aftercare services (31.1% vs 64.8%).

Prior to living in recovery housing or sober living communities, many patients receive detox and behavioral health treatment at a residential drug rehab center. After their treatment programs end, these patients can be referred to recovery housing or sober living communities to continue onward with their journeys to achieving long-term abstinence.

East Point offers drug detox, alcohol detox, and a wide range of drug and alcohol rehab programs individualized for each patient. Call us today at 800-270-2302 to learn more about our many available treatment programs.

If you feel that Day Treatment is right for you, we’re ready to meet you where you are. Contact one of our intake counselors.